
I know none of this has anything to do with VO (Voice Over), but it was fun doing what I am blogging about. Today me and my two other brothers, Nicholas and Caleb went down our hill to a path that led to a cave. We then went further down the path past the cave until we came to an opening space. The reason we went down there was to build a hut. Caleb had seen a video showing how to build a hut so we decided to build one to. We then cut of big branches with an axe. I cut of little branches which had had vines with a knife, then I unraveled the vines from the branches and would get three vines, then braid them until they were super strong. Nicholas and Caleb were leaning the big branches on another branch that was sticking out. After that, we went back home. I will probably go back again to finish.

Problem With Trying To Take Out The Low Pitch of The Background Noises Without Taking Out The Low Pitch of The Speaker

A few days ago I edited three podcasts. I am blogging about one thing I wish I knew how to do: take out a background noise that is the same pitch as the main noise. As an example, I was editing the second podcast. It was for my dad's business: 10k To Talent (, and my mom and dad were talking. they were at the lake club (a public place for people to come and have fun and stuff) on the deck of the clubhouse that was looking out on the lake. That night the clubhouse was having a karaoke night so you could hear singing and people talking in the background through the hole podcast. When I was editing it, I couldn't get out the background noises because they were in the low pitch, so if I took it out, it would take out the low pitch of my mom and dad. 

Here is a part of the podcast:

Hopefully, I can find a solution to this problem on the program "Adobe Audition."

Effect: Noise Reduction


Today I have been editing a recording of a speech.

The recording was very muffled and had lots of background noises, so I tried out an effect: "Noise Reduction."

I found a tutorial for how to use the noise reduction. It's super advanced so I'm still learning how to use it. 

Here's a picture of the recording and the noise reduction bar:


Then I tried the "Speech Volume Leveler," I'm not sure if I have already blogged about the speech volume leveler, so you might be familiar with it. 

with the speech volume leveler you can select a recording and then change your recording so that it seems as if recorded from a certain distance.

I a hoping I will be able to finish the recording tomorrow.

Have a good day!  :v)

Practicing The Ten Commandments

Today I practiced the ten commandments from the bible. I also edited out breaths, "ums", and long spaces. 

It may sound not as good as my usual recordings because I recorded it in a different room, which made it not sound as good, since it was bigger and more air bounced off the walls.

Here's what it sounds like when already edited:

Editing Out Sounds

Today I recorded myself saying "Test 1 2 3" and clapped in the middle of what I was saying. 

I am doing this so I can learn and get used to taking out sounds like this in Audition. I can now see what the clapping sound looks like in the graphical visualization of the screen.

What I use to take out the sound is the lasso selection tool, and then deleting what I lassoed.

Here's what it sounds like with the clapping sound in it: