How I Receive A Podcast Episode For Editing

Today my dad got a text from one of his friends, Mr. Lalvani, who is also someone I had edited two podcast episodes from a few months ago.

Mr. Lalvani recorded the podcast episode then uploaded it to his personal Dropbox account. He then sent my dad a link to his dropbox through his Gmail (I don't have my own Gmail account yet).

The reason he couldn't send the podcast recording inside the email was because it takes up too much space. So now I'm going to go to dropbox and download it to our computer. I will then save a copy and open it with Adobe Audition (the program I use for my VO and editing). I then name it and edit it.

Once I'm done editing, I'll save it as an mp3. Then I'll upload it to my dad's dropbox account and then my dad will send the link to Mr. Lalvani, who can then download it for himself.

Also, whenever I finish a podcast, I always have "(FINISHED)" right before the title of the podcast, and whenever I don't finish a podcast and do it later, I always have "(EDITING (whatever time you were at when first editing)) so that I know where I was the first time.

As an example, earlier I was editing one of the podcasts for Mr. Lalvani, and I stopped and then put (EDITING 8:08), the spot I was at, 8 minutes and 8 seconds.