Cast as Parker for The Animated Short Film!!

I got cast as Parker from the other blog post I wrote about! It's been exciting, not just because I got cast, but because out of 125 AUDITIONS I WAS CHOSEN! Now that's a large number to me! And there's more: the director also wants me to audition for Travis the younger brother too! SCORE  *pretends to shoot a basketball in the hoop and makes it*
But they want me to record the script today, but they still need to finish writing the script. I then responded and said I could record it within their deadline, and that I'd love to audition for the role of Travis (by the way I found out and responded on the second day on the week that falls on the 8th of the 9th month in the year of our Lord 2019 ~~(AKA 9/8/2019 - #summerpracticallyover).

I'm now waiting for their response.